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Achieve Wellness

A whole person approach to vitality through herbs, diet and lifestyle


Holistic Support

Looking at the whole person; physical, social, emotional and spiritual

Natural Methods

Herbal, nutritional and lifestyle techniques to achieve optimal health

Individualized Approach

Creating a comprehensive health plan tailored to you

Education & Empowerment

Acquire the tools to take control of your health and sustain wellness



Developing a lasting relationship through open and honest communication


Hi, I’m Liz Philbrick, a Colorado based clinical herbalist & nutritionist . My primary goal is to provide women with the tools to take control of their health and feel good in their bodies. I believe that when combining herbs, diet and lifestyle choices, women can begin to heal. I work alongside you, taking into consideration your health history, diet, lifestyle, and emotional space to shed light on imbalances. From there, I develop an individualized plan to help you achieve your optimal health. I specialize working with women at all lifestages-puberty, childbearing years, preconception & fertility and menopause. 

Let’s work together to achieve wellness.

“Liz strikes the perfect balance between professionalism and warmth; she has so much knowledge and practical expertise while being simultaneously nurturing, down to earth, and easy to talk to. She demonstrates self-care and integrity in a way that encourages and inspires the same in her clients. Working with Liz, I felt primed for success- with her support, the issues I’d been struggling with became instantly more manageable. In her skilled and experienced care, my health, mood, and energy improved tremendously. ”

—Lael H.

Book a free discovery call and see if it’s right for you.